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Dr Vikash's Piles Cure Center
(Ksharsutra -Piles Clinic & Piles Doctor)
Dr Vikash kumar’s Piles cure center deals with all types of ano-rectal ailments, focusing primarily on Fistula, Piles and Fissure pilonidal sinus along with various other complications that include Prolapse Piles, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctalgia fugax, Perianal Abseess, etc. The clinic offers state- of –the-art treatment under the brilliant guidance of accomplished anorectal specialist Dr.Vikash kumar, the Best Piles Doctor in Ranchi.rectal problems for the past 05 years, detected in thousand of people, achieving success in every case and bringing smile of relief on every face. .
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Why Piles Cure Centre ?
Ano-Rectal surgery is painless but the ailment is painful. So, why delay? Taking correct decisions at right time may decrease the hours of pain forever. There are several reasons behind choosing us and these are:
We are the pioneers of ksharsutra for ano rectal surgery and one and only clinic dealing specifically with this problem.
Our success rate is 99.1%
Proving our healing methods the best of its kind and bringing smiles to thousand of patients visiting us from across the Jharkhand,Bihar,UP,West Bengal and CG
We offer safe treatment with best in class facilities, having recommendations from W.H.O.
We give faster relief through without open surgeries.
We hardly give you the second chance to visit us after the completion of your treatment
Piles Best Doctor in Ranchi and Piles Ayurvedic Doctor in Ranchi
Accepted & recommended BY WHO
Accepted by Govt.of India / Ministry of Health also
is an ideal method and is probably the best of all the known techniques so far....98% had a complete cure without any complication.' (Dr. P.J. Despande & Dr. K. R. Sharma, American Journal of Proctology, Feb 91, Page 39-47)
offers an effective, ambulatory & safe alternative.' (Indian J Med res (8)94, June 91, Page 177-185)
Safety and Acceptability
The most famous Indian medical establishment, AIIMS, New Delhi is undergoing this procedure.
This method of operation is going on in many different Govt. Hospital and Medical colleges BHU,AIIMS Etc and all over India.
AT present this method of operation is examined & verified by a team of Medical Scientists in toama Medical College, Japan and Tribhuvan University, Nepal. They have also proved that this cautery formulation which is used in our body is completely safe.
A health related journal (Published from Ireland) has announced that this operation is done in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Japan and other developing countries also.
Why Is This Ksharsutra Treatment?
Ksharsutra method of treatment has been approved by C.C.I.M. and Ministry of AYUSH, department of Health and family welfare, government of India. His immense of knowledge has seen even the most critical cases which failed to find remedy elsewhere getting completely cured.
This Kshara Karma treatment is a non-surgical procedure. But its efficacy is better than laser surgery, and AYUSH approves this technique. This procedure is a kind of blessing for people who want to get permanently rid of anorectal diseases without any surgery.
Type Of Services
Pilesfistula Hospital combines the convenience of a full range of hospital and wellness services
Piles are swellings or swollen haemorrhoids that occur inside and around the anus, and along the anal canal.
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Fistula in ano is a disease which is manifested as a small nodular swelling around the anal region, with occasional pus….
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Anal fissures is the most common cause of pain in lower anal canal during act of defecation
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A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin. It may fill with fluid or pus, causing the formation of a cyst or abscess.
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